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Homemade Chocolates

Having a sweet tooth today? But no shop is open? You could make chocolates in under 20 mins right at home, healthy and tasty. Come with me through this journey...


- cocoa powder

- Butter

- Sugar

- Milk

- Almonds

- Peanuts

- Nutri Cracker biscuits

- Coconut powder (optional)

How to make it?

- Take a glass bowl, add 4-5 spoons of cocoa powder. Add 2.5 spoons of melted butter. Mix the mixture well. Then add 1/2 cup milk in half proportion first and then the other half making the mixture thick. Be very careful that the mixture does not become very thin.

- Then take 2-3 spoons of powdered sugar. ( Sugar Proportions will depend on how sweet or bitter you want the chocolate to be)

- Mix all the ingredients well so that no lumps are formed.

- Next in a mixer, take 8-10 almonds, peanuts and one pack of nutri cracker biscuits blend it in the mixer in a way that it doesn't totally become powder for the chocolate to be crispy and crunchy.

- Mix this along with the thick chocolate sauce prepared earlier.

- The whole mixture will be thick and now we can mold it according to our preference.

- I made small pieces out of it as shown in the above picture.

- You could either put it in shape molds or in a tray and cut it in various pieces later on.

- Once the mixture has been put in the mold you can keep it in freezer/refrigerator for minimum 1 hour and maximum one night.

Ta-da! Your homemade chocolates are ready to be gobbled.

Incase you are confused about the ingredients, I have attached pictures of the ingredients.

Hope you liked this post! I will be back with another post on every Friday. Stay tuned.

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