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4 Types of teas you must drink!

Tea for all seasons.

A small poem on tea that will refresh you and give you reasons why you must try them out.

Works in all seasons and any time of the day.

If you are cold

tea will warm you:

If you are too heated

it will cool you:

If you are depressed

It will cheer you:

If you are excited

It will calm you:

- by William Gladstone

So the first tea I'm gonna share with you'll is Ginger Tea. Now I know you'll might think its a very common tea and there's nothing great about it. India is a land for spices and herbs. And this tea is one of the specialties, you only come to a realization of its benefits when you allow it to brew slowly.

Ingredients: 2 inches Ginger

4 cups water

Honey (optional)

Serves: You for the full day!

Method: Grate the ginger root in a pot of boiling water. Let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes on the stove. Strain and enjoy! Add honey if desired.

Next in line is called the Balancing Tea. It balances your mind and gives you the space of freedom right inside you.

Ingredients: 1 tbsp crushed cinnamon

1/4 Turmeric powder

1 tsp grated ginger

4 cups water

Honey (optional)

Serves: You for the full day!

Method: Heat water in a pot. Add cinnamon sticks and turmeric powder and boil for 7 minutes. Add honey and ginger ,boil for 2 more minutes. Strain and serve hot.

Next is one of my favorite tea, its called the Reflection Tea. A yellow color tea which works wonders on your body from the inside. It is also known as a detox drink and has great benefits if you drink it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

Ingredients: 1/2 tsp of Cumin Seeds

1/2 tsp of Coriander Seeds

1/2 tsp of Fennel Seeds

4 Cups of Water

Serves: You for the full day!

Method: Boil the water in a pot. Add all the seeds in it. Cover the pot with a lid and let it boil for 5-10 mins. Strain the tea and have it. (Make sure you don't waste the seeds by throwing them away after one use, you can use it at least for two days.)

Last but not the least we have the Tonic Tea.

Ingredients: 2 mint leaves

2 basil leaves

2 Sage leaves

4 cups water

Serves: You for the full day!

Method: Boil the water in a pot. Add all the leaves. Cover the pot with a lid and let it boil for 10 mins. Strain the tea and enjoy.

Stay Tuned for some exciting stuff coming up next week!

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