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Genderless Clothing the new norm.

If you only give a man a dress, you're only limiting him to a dress. But if you give a human a neutral garment, they will wear it anyway they want.

A look from Palomo Spain Spring 2020 collection.

Unisex is the name of diversity. A new symbol now coming up as a movement. A necessary term that would provide a wider range in Indian Ready to wear Market. As the term is at it's first stage and is getting its share of awareness consumers are looking forward and accepting the new category.

"It's not a new phase which will come and go, it's going to be a different perspective of living."

After the massive pandemic that the world has faced, we come to realize that if one mindfully tries on buying and supporting season less as well as genderless fashion it's not only going to be good on our pockets and our closets but also benefits the environment.

Mr. Smith, once stated That parts are pertinent to fashion are gender identity and gender expression. To start a person can be assigned one of three sexes at birth: male, female or intersex.

Then comes gender identity, which is what one identifies themselves as and gender expression which is how one dresses to express themselves.

Typical genderless garments are either oversize, formless and shapeless or are form fitting. Women have worn traditional men's wear pieces and they are in today's time no longer described as a source for inspiration. Men adopting women's garments didn't translate as seamlessly, however.

For instance, Kanye West wasn't met with much favor when he wore the kilt.

" It's all about genderless identity."

Red Hourani was the first fashion designer to be establishing a unisex clothing line.

Well, unisex fashion does not only fall into clothing but also accessories.

Several Indian brands have adopted genderless fashion, to name a few would include :

Nor Black - Nor White , Rishta by Arjun Saliya , Bloni , Moral Sciences and Benzo By Sanya Arora.

  1. Nor Black - Nor White

Price Range : $8 to $250

Insta Handle:

2. Bloni

Price Range: Rs 2000 to Rs.40,000

3. Rishta by Arjun Saliya

Price Range: -

Insta Handle:

4. Moral Science

Price Range: Rs.990 to Rs.30,000

5. Benzos by Sanya Arora

Price Range: Rs.1000 to Rs.3000

Hope you enjoyed reading the post! Stay tuned for the next one.

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